Jurupa Middle School Guidance Counselors
to schedule a parent/teacher conference please contact the student's counselor
What School Counselors Do:

Academic planning with students:
üCreating schedules
üMonitoring and interpreting student records and progress
üCollaborating/strategizing with parents, teachers and school personnel
Career and College planning with students:
üDiscussion about career goals and interests
üProviding education about college requirements
üGuiding students with picking colleges and career choices
California Colleges link here
Personal and social development with students:
üProviding as needed counseling on peer issues, bullying, tardiness, lack of motivation, time management and other issues interfering with academic achievement
Nora Hopkins
7th Grade

Janice Gaona
8th Grade
Amalia Tovali
Specialized Services
(Special Education, Dual Immersion, ASB, English Lang. Newcomers)